My first Hacktoberfest Issue/PR

For my first Hacktoberfest related issue and Pull Request(PR), I was looking for a simple documentation issue to start off easy and ramp up later on. I came across one that I found interesting which was modifying an example in the README file. Since it was a README file, I thought the coding language wouldn't matter for me when I picked it to work on. I found that the example they wanted was quite similar to the method that was already implemented. So I sent a PR to update the file and the owner of the repo wanted the example to be executable. At that moment I knew it was going to be harder than I expected because the code was written in Python, which I had not used before. So starting like a beginner, I had to search for ways to compile and execute Python code. But I keep running into websites that say Python code "doesn't need to be compiled" or "automatically compiled" so that got me confused for a day or two. I ended up with downloading different software to run the program like the python extension in Visual Studio and Pycharm. Luckily for me the owner of the repo was very helpful in describing which part of my code was not working. I thought it ended pretty good because the owner merged and closed my Pull Request.


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