Testing out Travis CI for the first time

Travis CI is a continuous integration service that helps compile, build, test and deploy code for GitHub projects. Just to test it out I decided to add it to a repository that I was working on (Currently has no Continuous Integration bots) SenecaBlackBoardExtension. Now I have to give the bot something to do. Since SenecaBlackboardExtension is mostly JavaScript code I decided that the best starting point is to run ESLint with Travis CI.

Travis CI can only be connected to a GitHub account that you own. I don't own that repository so to work around it I forked the repo so I have my version of it. With the help of David Humphrey, who was familiar with ESLint, and the ESLint and Travis user guides I was able to run ESLint with Travis in my forked repository of SenecaBlackBoardExtension.

Once it worked on my forked version, in theory it should work in the main repo with little tweaks (Eg: The owner to connect his GitHub). So I made a pull request to add in the files that are needed to get Travis CI and ESLint working and Voila! It is now up and running!


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